IEEE Power & Energy Society Summer Meeting - IEEE PES SM 2000, Seattle (United States of America). 15-20 July 2000
This paper addresses the problem a generating utility faces in order to decide which of its thermal units to start-up and to shutdown before submitting the hourly bids to a day-ahead market based on simple bids. The self-unit commitment model is formulated as a deterministic optimisation problem where the expected profit is maximised using mixed-integer linear programming techniques. When the market price can not be considered as an exogenous variable we propose to introduce explicitly the market behaviour by means of the expected hourly supply and demand functions. Operation costs included are fuel costs, shutdown costs and start-up costs. Temporal links as ramp constraints are also taken into account. Expected incomes considered are not only pool energy sales, but also contracts for differences and physical bilateral contracts incomes. A detailed model formulation and a numerical case are presented.
Keywords: Inter-temporal links, power generation dispatch, physical bilateral contracts, contracts for differences, deregulated power system.
Publication date: 2000-07-15.
J. García-González, J. Barquín, Self-unit Commitment of thermal units in a competitive electricity market, IEEE Power & Energy Society Summer Meeting - IEEE PES SM 2000, Seattle (United States of America). 15-20 July 2000.